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St Peter's Nursery School, Belfast

Using 6 Bricks

26th Jan 2024
The Terrific Tigers had so much fun with 6 bricks today. We used our sets of 6 bricks to make cubes then played the game ‘chinny chin chin’ with our cubes which involved passing the cube from chin to chin around the group. This was hilarious. πŸ˜‚. We then used our sets of bricks to make animals and talked about what we had made. 😍

Amirah made a duck πŸ¦†
Jenson made a donkey
Logan made a horse 🐎
Bella made a parrot 🦜
Brody made a dragon πŸ‰
Priya made a dog 🐢
Oisín made a bird πŸ¦