Access Keys:

St Peter's Nursery School, Belfast

Key Worker / Vulnerable Children

6th Jan 2021

As predicted, the First Minister announced that Nursery Schools will close and move to online learning. More information on this will be forwarded to you in due course. It is estimated that this will be in place until after the February Midterm break. Our school will open in a restricted capacity from Friday 8th January 2021, offering supervised learning from 8.45 am-1.15 pm daily rather than face to face teaching, This will be offered only to children of key workers or vulnerable children, who are unable to find any other provision. The rates of Covid-19 in our community are at an extremely high level and the new, more virulent strain of the virus, affects all ages. Children and their families are safest at home. Please complete the attached form by 12 noon -tomorrow -Thursday 7th January 2021 to be considered for a place. Thank you.