School Uniform

Nursery uniforms can be purchased from any TRULY FARE outlet or online using the link below:
The children wear a navy sweatshirt with the school logo, a red polo shirt with the school logo and navy tracksuit bottoms with the school logo. The uniform is comfortable, practical and warm.
School Coats are red with a navy logo and available to purchase from Truly Fare also. School coats are not compulsory however children must bring a coat to school each day as outdoor play is a valuable part of the Nursery curriculum.
It is helpful if children wear shoes that they can manage independently e.g. Velcro. Shoes with laces should be avoided as this restricts children at play.
In the interest of health and safety we ask that jewellery is not worn to school. If ears are pierced only small studs are permitted.
Cost: Crested Sweatshirt: £10.99 Crested Polo: £9.99
Crested Coat: £16.99 Crested bottoms: £9.99
Truly Fare offer 10% off when spending £30 or more on school wear until the end of July. They also operate a school saving club allowing parents to leave uniforms over and pay off.
St Peter's Nursery School, 2 Servia Street, Belfast, BT12 4EJ | Phone: 028 9024 6675