Dinner Menu

If you are entitled to free school meals please ensure that you have completed an online free school meals application via the Education Authority Webpage: https://www.eani.org.uk/financial-help/free-school-meals-uniform-grants/apply-for-free-school-meals-uniform-grants. All queries in relation to school meals applications should be made to the Education Authority School Meals and Uniform Section (02890564000)
Those not appearing on the free school meals list as published by the Education Authority are required to pay for a hot meal at a cost of £2.50 per day.
Our school uses a cashless system called school money and parents must log on to https://login.eduspot.co.uk/public/portal/parent/?app=schoolmoney&source=website&version=20190314 to book meals or packed lunches for their children each week. Those paying for dinner must also do so via the app.
Our children are thoroughly enjoying staying for dinner in Nursery school. We are learning to use our table manners, to say please and thank you, to use a knife and fork, to make choices and decisions about our food and drinks, to pour our own milk or water, to stay in our seats and eat at the table, to interact with our friends at the dinner table and to be thankful to God for what we are receiving 😍
Dinner Menu
St Peter's Nursery School, 2 Servia Street, Belfast, BT12 4EJ | Phone: 028 9024 6675